SAP Business One release 10.0, the latest version of the management software best known and used by thousands of companies around the world. SAP Business One Version 10.0 has many advanced features and innovative applications that are now available and ready to be deployed.
Have a look at the enhancements for SAP Business One Version 10 in our blog here.
The Importance of the HANA Version of SAP Business One Release 10.0
The SAP Business One Web Client is one of the most important aspects of the latest HANA release of SAP Business One. The new Web Client means you can now access SAP Business One through web browsers (such as Chrome or Firefox), from your mobile devices such as laptops or tablets, as opposed to having to rely on third-party web clients.
The SAP Business One Version 10 Web Client is based on SAP Fiori design principles and supports the business logic and core processes of SAP Business One, such as:
- Business Partners
- Sales Orders
- Additional Sales Documents
- Items
- Activities
- Analytics
As already indicated in previous remarks from SAP, the future database that SAP will concentrate on to develop enhancements is HANA. With that in mind, it is probably understandable that the Web Client will only be available on the SAP HANA platform.
New Web Client for SAP Business One Version 10.0
SAP Business One Version 10 is the latest release for the leading SME ERP software and offers an updated as well as an upgraded version of the software SAP Business One. The solution has been developed with more than 30 new features and enhancements. Keeping in mind the specific parameters that have been derived from the recently-integrated technologies of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.
SAP Business One 10.0 Usability – New Look and Feel
The Web Client allows online access to SAP Business One 10.0 and combines this with a new Skin Style (Belize Deep), which improves the look & feel of the software. This is specifically relevant if you intend to use both the Web Client as well as the desktop application. The new usability connects with the new skin style allows SAP Business One Version to have to harmonize the look and feel of both applications. The Belize Deep skin for the desktop is inspired by SAP Fiori and utilizes SAP UI5 technology. It’s available if you used the Fiory-style Cockpit.
WATCH: SAP Business One 10.0 Usability – New Look and Feel
SAP Business One Version 10 has the ability to work in a full screen or in a resized way to view multiple windows. Not just that, you can hide the toolbar to expand the workspace too. Furthermore, you can define different access permissions to various tabs in the Master Data– BP Article windows for users and user groups.
Additionally, it has the ability to resize and maximize form size that increases the usability by avoiding scrolling, especially in busy forms and the alignment is with standard system form behavior. Resize and maximize form size is supported in:
Company Details, General Settings, Posting Periods, Print Preferences, Checks for Payment, Document Generation Wizard, Update Special Prices Globally, Trial Balance Revaluation, General Ledger, Layout and Sequence, Request for Generation Approval, Approval Stages, Export Transactions to SAP Business One, Payment Methods, Payment Terms, Query Authorization Groups, Report and Layout Manager, UDF – Field Data, Configuration Management, Cash Flow, Add-on Manager.
User Name in License & Add-On Administration
A new column for displaying the User Name is added to the Allocation and Assignment tabs in the License Administration window. Also, to the User Preferences tab in the Add-on Administration window. Therefore, filtering according to the User Name field is now possible within both forms. Besides that, sorting by User Name is supported in the License Administration window. These resulted in enhanced clarity and transparency of the user’s identity by displaying the user name supports accurate license allocation and add-on administration.
New localization introduced for the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to support post- Brexit.
Microsoft Office 365 Integration
Microsoft Office 365 and OneDrive integration with SAP Business one allows for document layouts, grid results and reports to be exported into Excel and Word accordingly. So, users can access from everywhere.
Specific Traits of the SAP Business One Latest Version
Since SAP Business One has been released, it was designed as a flexible & expandable solution, ideally suited for SMEs. True to this goal, SAP mas made available advanced features within SAP Business One 10.0 that grouped into different areas as follows:
- Authorized users can save the draft documents during the approval process. This helps the authorized users to edit and process them before approving them as standard documents.
- In printing preferences, users can print and send calls and service contracts and export them in PDF format.
- The selection criteria for document printing are enriched with additional options according to the selected document type. This enables users to optimize batch printing that increases usability and productivity, especially when printing a high number of documents.
- User Name and Company Name are moved to the top center of the screen. So, it is possible to change the User or change the Company.
- Users are now able to reference documents in Checks For Payment, Purchase Request, Goods Receipt & Issue, Inventory Transfer Request, and Inventory Transfer. So, documents are referenced with better visibility.
- Support managing attachments for additional objects and streamline system behavior.
- Field Length Increase creates more flexibility for the values entered in these fields and standardization of product field definitions.
- Tab-Level Authorizations in Master Data Records enables the granting of more accurate authorizations to each user, based on tasks and responsibilities. This helps to prevent human errors and increases data protection as well as increases productivity.
Sale, Purchase, and Service
- Backorder Report Enhancements where now displays A/R Reserve Invoices with payment status Fully Paid, Partially Paid, and Not Paid. Additionally, the reserve Invoice Payment Status included within the Filter Table. So, all A/R Reserve Invoices are visible within the Backorder Report.
- Printing Service Calls & Contracts. Document Printing includes Service Calls and Service Contract allowing for bulk document distribution.
- Hide Blank Lines in Addresses allows easier readability for users within marketing document forms, especially when address format consists of multiple components.
- Add Button Extended in Marketing Documents that provide more flexibility in document creation and better handling for users.
- Enhanced Open Items List Report that includes more document information such as Owner, Sales Employee/Buyer, Remarks, Approved, Created by, Contact Person, Payment Terms, BP Project, and User Defined Fields (UDFs) in document headers. The report offers the possibility to close and cancel multiple documents. Not only that, multiple Return Requests and Goods Return Request documents can be closed too. Thus, handling is easy due to more document options and information in one report.
- A new setting in the Document Settings “Allow Update of User-Defined Fields When Document Rows Are Not Editable” gives the possibility to make UDFs editable independently of the document/row status.
- Display Business Partner Address UDF with Marketing Document Address User Defined Fields.
Financial Accounting
- Allows entering Annotations/observations of journal entries.
- Detailed analysis and reporting of financial reports and bills of materials.
- Extend Journal Entry Remarks to 254 Characters allows entering more detailed information related to the journal entry.
- Drill Down to G/L Accounts in Financial Reports that provide direct access to account details and account balance of relevant accounts increases usability and transparency. Furthermore, streamlined with standard system behavior.
- Posting Periods Enhancements simplifies and streamlines the creation of new financial periods. Also, enhanced usability of the Posting Periods table, highly significant for businesses with a long list of posting periods.
Project Management
Allows updating projects according to planning changes within the interactive Gantt Chart. So, this provides easier and more visual planning of Project Management Tasks.
Inventory and distribution
- Serial Number Management and Batch Management now includes the ability to update on A/R Reserve Invoices and Inventory Transfer Requests. Whereas, Destination Warehouse Code and Destination Warehouse Name now included in the Serial Number / Batch Management Update form. So, more document options are available when updating Serial Numbers and Batches. Thus, enables better reporting and batch & serials traceability.
- Support Changing UoM Group in Item Master Data.
- Bill of Materials (BoM) Description Enhancements where item master data record descriptions updated accordingly within the associated Bill of Materials. Resulted in the flexible handling of items and resource descriptions in the Bill of Materials.
- The drill down from BoM to Item Master Data is more intuitive because it enables direct navigation between them. So, this provides flexibility within navigation due to system prompt of navigation choice.